Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thanksgiving thoughts!

Hello, to the wonderful families that make up our practice! As a team, we continually remark to each other how blessed we are to spend time with such great patients and parents as you all are.
Thank you for entrusting your children's dental and/or orthodontic care to Dr. Tawadros and his team-we work hard to make sure we never abrogate that trust. We're happy we can be thankful for you this holiday season!

Happy Thanksgiving from Dr. Tawadros, Vonita, Renee, Mary Kay, Melissa, Rhonda, Sheila, Christy, and Carmen!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Note to our orthodontic patients!

Good Morning! We'd like to let all our orthodontic patients know that all the cleaning products in your "Braces Goody Bag" are available in the toothbrush aisle of your grocery, so let mom or dad know when you've run out of floss threaders, wax or proxybrushes (the pipe cleaner-like brushes). Remember, brushing and flossing well is your most important job in taking care of your braces!

Have a great Homecoming, Wilmington patients! We've loved your Spirit Week gear!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome to our inaugural blog! It's the last day of September and it's cool and gloomy outside, but we're having a great day. We are very excited for the two patients who recieved braces today. They look great and are going to love the way their smiles look!